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Vaginal Renewal Complex® Intro Pack

MSRP: $59.95

Are you suffering from vaginal dryness?

You don’t have to live with vaginal dryness. Developed by an integrated doctor, Vaginal Renewal Complex® with its combination of 5 natural ingredients helps relieve vaginal dryness in as little as 7 days.

Restore your own vaginal moisture with Vaginal Renewal Complex® to ease the discomforts of vaginal dryness. Vaginal Renewal Complex® which is Doctor recommended as a complete program to help restore the suppleness of the vaginal wall. It is inserted into the vagina with an easy and comfortable applicator. Because it is absorbed directly into the vaginal tissue, some women have found substantial improvement after just few applications!

Try our Vaginal Renewal Complex Introduction Pack now.  It includes:

  • 10 - 0.4ml filled applicators, which are individually sealed for your protection
  • Instructional Brochure
  • 2 Inner Intimate Ultra-Thin Panty Liners

For more information about our products, click here.

What other women are saying about Vaginal Renewal Complex:

"I started using Vaginal Renewal Complex, and found a significant difference. The vaginal dryness subsided and intercourse became pleasurable again. I would highly recommend this product and in fact I have to my friends."

"Not only is the vaginal lubrication oil very easy to use, but it has the added bonus of a most pleasant sensation upon application. I actually looked forward to using it, rather than think of it as a necessary evil in the war of combating the side effects of menopause."

"The vaginal lubrication oil was easy to apply. It’s non-irritating and not messy.  It also lasts a full day...I like that it makes me feel “normal” again.


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