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Why is the phrase “Vaginal Dryness” so taboo?  When I go onto the Internet and type in “menopause”, it shows thousands of clicks. Even “night sweats”, “mood swings” have many thousands of clicks. But very, very few when it comes to vaginal dryness.  I speak with so many women who really want and NEED to talk about their issues.  Sexuality is on top of that list, but it all comes down to their biggest problem and that’s vaginal dryness.  I get it; nobody likes to talk about something that they might feel uncomfortable about, but that should not be.  

It has been my mission to bring this topic to the forefront.  I speak with women all week long and my conversations are open to whatever they need to talk about. 

Sexuality is the number one topic that women, and might I add, men too, wish to talk about. 

“Sex is painful,” “ I must have closed up because it is so tight and painful”.  These are some of the comments I get.  We just don’t talk about our issues; like painful intercourse.

I created Vaginal Renewal Complex because it worked so well for me, I felt compelled to help other women, who suffered like myself, to feel better physically and sexually.  It worked, it’s natural, and I needed to start to open a line of communication so we could help each other.

 My little secret: It’s an important subject and needs to be addressed.  So let’s talk!! We are


